Gearing Up!

Flyers created by the Juniors
3 tech week.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 574.0 KB

Teen Tech Week officially starts on Monday!  Students are gearing up for the four competitions:  book playlist on, book trailer uploaded on, library logo design, and website design on

There will also be an internet scavenger hunt all week long.

There are great prizes including 4 ipod shuffles, a digital video camera, a webcam, four sets of headphones, and four i-tunes gift certificates.

Many students have come in to pick up rules/intructions, and entry forms.  I can't wait to see what types on entries we will receive (due Friday, March 12).  The winners will be announced Monday, March 15.  Good luck to all our entrants.

You can find rules and entry forms on this site as well as in the library.

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